I competed at my first Deka Strong event this past weekend at Ferguson Fitness in Roanoke, VA. It was AWESOME! Ferguson Fitness did a fantastic job putting on the event. They had knowledgeable coaches cheering everyone on, keeping things organized and running smoothly, and wiping everything down. The energy was contagious and they also had a live DJ to get everyone pumped up!

(Zone #8)
If you're an OCR athlete then you should definitely try a Deka Strong event! It's most likely going to be way out of your comfort zone and push your hear rate higher than what you are used to but you'll have so much fun at the same time! My goal for the event (based off of seeing times from other Deka Strong events) was to finish in under 15 minutes. My time was 14:58 - phewww barely made it! I was told I had the fastest time of the day! I don't normally train at this high of an intensity since almost every OCR event lasts at least 30 minutes. You do have to "pace yourself" for Deka Strong but it's basically going at a 9/10 effort the whole way through. You have to dance the fine line of pushing yourself hard but hold back just slightly to not burn out.
Trio Fitness Training provides hybrid training programs for participants of all levels. We are competitive athletes in this hybrid competitions, and we've coached athletes to PR's and World Championship qualifications. We can do the same for you. View our Hybrid Coaching Programs and Sign Up today!

(Zone #7)
If you aren't familiar, here is what a Deka Strong entails. It's a new functional fitness event with 10 stations done back to back with the goal of getting the fastest total time possible.
Station #1 30 Ram alternating reverse lunges
Station #2 500 Meter row
Station #3 20 Box jump over/step over
Station #4 25 Med ball sit-up
Station #5 500 Meter Ski erg
Station #6 100 Meter farmer carry
Station #7 25 Calories air bike
Station #8 20 Dead ball shoulder over
Station #9 100 Meter tank push/pull
Station #10 20 Ram burpees

(This is how you can expect to feel after you finish.)
I fully expect to see more and more functional events like this popping up. Companies like Hyrox and DekaFit are getting great reviews and, if C19 hadn't hit, I'm sure they would both be expanding very quickly right now. Spartan Race is also planning to push Spartan Cross which is a much shorter multi-lap version of a Spartan Race which will reduce the amount of course space needed while also increasing the opportunity for spectator viewership. It's going to be interesting to see how functional fitness events develop over the next few years!
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Phone: 610-222-7155
Email: info@triofitlife.com