This was a small survey, but we inquired of 55 Savage Race athletes to find the answer to this question: What are the 5 hardest Savage Race obstacles? The answer is below, and we're counting down from 5 to 1.
#5: Sawtooth: It's the very difficult version of monkey bars. Not only are there a lot of rungs, but the rungs go up on one side, and down on the other side with a tough transition in the middle with bars at different heights. In order to crush this obstacle, you should master Monkey Bars, do a lot of Scapular Pullups, Chinups and Pullups (assisted as needed).
#4: Anchors Aweigh: This obstacle takes some skill in transition, and it definitely takes a lot of upper body and grip strength. If you can't hang from a bar or ring for at least a few seconds with on hand, this will be challenging for you. Pullups, TRX Rows, Dead Hangs, and Inverted Rows are all exercises you can start now that will help you prepare for this obstacle.
#3: Voulez Vous Lache: This will take practice. You have to swing your body while holding onto a bar, and then leap from one bar to the next. As if that wasn't hard enough, the distance between bars varies...and they aren't small. If the video doesn't start at the right moment, go to the 10:15 mark to view this obstacle.
#2: Gibbon Take: Very challenging. Very very challenging. You need great hand-eye coordination, great grip strength, and great obstacle skill. You need a lot of upper body strength, and you need a ton of grip strength.
#1: Savage Rig: The Savage Rig is a chameleon. They change it up constantly. You never quite know which grips you're going to have to deal with. That's probably why this obstacle is #1 on the list. You should train your grip on Rings, Ropes, Bars, towels, and more.
We hope you enjoy all your upcoming Savage Races!
Train hard, train smart, and let us know if you have any questions:
Text: 610-222-7155