Spartan Stadions are a unique twist to what we normally think of when it comes to Obstacle Course Racing. I mean, really, they're the exact opposite. Instead of running through the woods in the middle of nowhere, you'll be running over pavement in the heart of the biggest cities in the country. Stadions are definitely some of the more popular events in OCR, here's why: Ease of access - The stadiums that host these events are near airports, hotels, and plenty of Ubers. No mud - Not everyone likes to crawl through the mud and bushwhack through the forest. Epic experience - Yes, you are actually racing through the stadiums that professional NFL and MLB athletes play in.
Okay, Stadions are awesome, but how do you specifically train for them?
Let's look at the top 3 metrics you'll need to train: running/climbing, grip strength, and functional strength.
Running/Climbing: Stadions are generally about 5k long. Within that 5k, you'll be climbing and a ton of stairs and ramps (while also carrying sandbags for parts of it). You'll need a solid running base but you also need glute/quad strength to be able to switch from flat running to climbing.
Grip Strength: There are several obstacles in a Stadion event that will test your grip strength. You'll end up facing obstacles like; Rope Cimb, Rig, and Monkey Bars and if you fall off the obstacle, then you have to do 15 burpees. Ain't nobody got time for that!
Functional Strength: Some of the obstacles that are unique to Stadions are; Ram Burpees, Box Jumps, and Ball Slams. You can be a great runner, but if you don't train functional strength, then you could have a major set back when you hit these obstacles.
Try out these 2 workouts to help you train for your first or next Spartan Stadion!
Workout #1 - 30 Minute Time Cap
5 Minutes on the Stairmaster
10 Burpees
5 Pullups
10 Burpees
*Choose a pace on the Stairmaster that you pushes you, but you can keep moving consistently. Don't push your heart rate to the max because you need to be able to switch from the stairs, into the burpee/pullup combo, and back into the stairs without breaks or as short of breaks as possible. The goal is to have continuous motion throughout the entire 30 minutes. Workout #2 - 5 Rounds In Circuit Format - 2 Minute Rest Between Rounds
(best if done at a track)
800m Run
20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch @20lbs
20 Alternating Lunges
100m Bear Crawl
If you have an questions about these workouts, send us an email at
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