Some of us (don't look at me...I'm poor) have the means to set full OCR rigs in our yards or garages...yeah, pretty sweet. And I'm going to do something dangerous. Right here and right now. I'm calling out all you folk who've missed the spear throw over and over again. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE (okay, I admit it, I've gone on some bad streaks in the past myself). You need a spear to practice with! Anyway, below is where to buy OCR training gear.

The list is in no particular order...except the first one. We're bias and unashamed of it.
These guys are awesome. Their obstacle builds are awesome. One of my favorite things about them is that they put up videos on their Instagram and Facebook page of them building the different items they sell, and it's cool to see! They also do a lot of work supporting local OCRs. Check them out for rigs, spears, grips, and more! What an awesome family business.
If ever you struggled on a more complex rig like Savage Rig or most of the obstacles at OCRWC, then this company may be able to help. They have like a million grip training handles. If you get a few of these, and get proficient with them, you should be able to handle just about any obstacle the world of OCR can throw your way.
Another company with a litany of grip training equipment. If I'm not mistaken, they've made several obstacles that have been featured at OCRWC. They have Ninja Hooks, Short Ropes, Nunchucks, and more!
I'll be honest, I don't know much about this company. However, if you click on their name or logo above, it'll take you to their page with OCR items for training. They have some HUGE setups, and some small ones. It'll all depend on your needs, wants, and budget. Either way, it's here as a resource for you.
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